Soak in a Pure Crystal Tub

Manifest in luxury and amplify intentions in a Galactic Crystal Intention Tub™.

IntoMeSea is proud to offer an exclusive soaking experience like no other: white quartz crystal soaking tubs for intention setting and energetic healing.

Clear or white quartz is a crystal that is said to have powerful energetic capabilities for clearing blockages and reprogramming energetic frequencies on a quantum level. This crystal is is used for the magnification of ambient energy. Crystal tubs are rare and can provide a unique bathing experience.

Regular soaking in our Galactic Crystal Intention Tubs™ is an experience like no other. We’ve designed the experience to support shifting the subtle Energetic Bodies of the Human Aura.

Each of IntoMeSea’s soaking suites include a wet steam chamber with aromatherapy to enhance your experience before you soak.

Because of this frequency-determining component, it contains an internal blueprint for infinite receptivity that can be encoded with your personal vibration and intention, and amplified more intensely in the world.

Benefits of soaking in our Galactic Crystal Intention Tubs™:

  • Stimulation of the nervous system, and the growth of fingernails and hair

  • Assisting in the removal of adhesions in connective tissue

  • Establishes a clearer connection to higher guidance

  • Amplifies psychic abilities

  • Energy clearing, cleansing and healing

  • Memory enhancement

  • Amplification of intention

  • Consciousness expansion

  • Produces resonance in all chakras

  • Chromotherapy

No matter what plane you are sea-king to improve, IntoMeSea’s Galactic Crystal Intention Tubs™ will allow you to reconnect and re-energize.

Benefits of Crystal Tubs


Crystal healing is said to help with physical and emotional symptoms, and some say that bathing with crystals can enhance the stones' healing powers.


Relaxation & Sleep

Crystal therapy is said to provide a relaxing experience that can boost the immune system and relieve stress. Some say that crystal healing can help improve sleep.

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Creativity & Growth

Some say that crystal healing can help enhance concentration and creativity. Crystal healing can aid in spiritual growth and development.

How to Soak in a Crystal Tub

Set Your Intention and Step In

  • Set your intention; energy follows thought.

  • Become one with the water, generate a fluid idea that gradually moves from your head to your heart  

  • Establish a knowing that what you have intended is already yours, this will have the effect of powerful psychic amplification and manifestation.

  • Feel it, breathe it, become the intention. 

  • Be a witness to the revealing of the true expression of your intention.

*Guests have the option of purchasing one of IntoMeSea’s custom crafted Galactic Crystal Intention Tub™ Kits to enhance your soak for an additional cost.  The kits have been created specifically for each one of the eight major chakras with a respective custom Animal Energy spray, a custom roller fragrance, and also contains a Dead Sea Salt sachet to cleanse and balance, a dry body brush, three crystals with explanation card, and a personal written affirmation for intention setting, all in a light-weight canvas backpack. 

Select Your Crystal Tub When Booking

Pachamama (Chakras 1-4)

Lulu’s Higher Realm (Chakras 4-8)

Soak in a Crystal Tub at IntoMeSea

IntoMeSea’s unique approach to soaking in our Galactic Crystal Intention Tub™ helps support your energetic healing and wellbeing.

Clear Quartz Crystal Tubs

Clear quartz is a transparent, colorless crystal that is said to have many benefits, including:

  • Amplifying energy: Clear quartz is said to amplify positive energy and cleanse negative energies.

  • Balancing energy: Clear quartz is said to balance the body and mind.

  • Enhancing focus: Clear quartz is said to help clear the mind and enhance focus.

  • Enhancing spiritual growth: Clear quartz is said to enhance spiritual growth.

  • Aiding concentration: Clear quartz is said to aid concentration.

  • Amplifying other crystals: Clear quartz is said to amplify the energy of other crystals.

  • Balancing chakras: Clear quartz is said to balance and align the chakras.

  • Improving communication: Clear quartz is said to bring clarity to communication.

  • Unlocking memory: Clear quartz is said to unlock memory.

  • Filtering out distractions: Clear quartz is said to filter out distractions.

Included Steam Chamber

Each of IntoMeSea’s soaking suites include a wet steam chamber with aromatherapy to enhance your experience before you soak.

Book your next crystal tub soak session.